Make candles, Soaps, room sprays or use Our Fragrance Oils with your oil warmer

Fragrance Oils or Aroma Oils

Fragrance Oils - Grade A Quality

Our Gade A Fragrance OIls can be used to refresh potpourri, in simmering pots, on light rings, on craft items or saturate on a cotton ball and place in a vacuum cleaner bag. When used with terracotta they are ideal air fresheners for cars closets basements, bathrooms, offices --- just about anywhere. You control the strength and select the fragrance of your choice. These fragrance oils are not designed as perfumes. They contain no alcohol, and they may irritate the skin. Fragrance Oils or Aroma Oils are combound fragrances, which means they are very strong. You may blend the oils in unscented creams, lotions or anything else which is oil soluble. You may also purchase oils in bulk per the following:
2 ozs - $ 5.25
4 ozs - $ 8.50
8 ozs - $15.00
16 ozs - $28.00
32 ozs - $47.00

Price: $1.99
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Manufactured by Jane Bernard

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  Fragrance Oils - Grade A Quality - Make candles, Soaps, room sprays or use Our Fragrance Oils with your oil warmer


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